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G-college Leadership Training Program

At G-college, we value every member’s contribution to bringing opportunities to #Vietnamese youths and wish to cherish the most of their experience.

We are excited to announce the G-college Leadership Training Program for internal members.

Good leadership influences an organization and its people for the better, while bad leadership does for the worse. These two scenarios share a common point: the outcome is predictable! But inadequate leadership ability leads to unsustainable development. It is hard to know whether your organization is growing or not, and it is the most dangerous.

At G-college, we value every member’s contribution to bringing opportunities to #Vietnamese youths and wish to cherish the most of their experience. Therefore, we have developed a The Leadership Framework as a guideline to help managers lead their teams effectively and achieve desired outcomes. For members to understand the Framework more, we designed 06 training sessions to demonstrate the best practices of the 05 elements in the Framework.

Our training program will consist of 06 sessions:

1. G-college Leadership Model

2. Extreme Ownership

3. Uphold High Standards

4. Nurture Your Team

5. Empower Learning & Development

6. Empathetic Leadership

More information about The Leadership Training Program, here.

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