2020 Annual Report
2020 was a difficult year but we turned challenges into opportunities.
Read the full report here.
Founded in 2015, G-college is a non-profit organization that aims to empower Vietnamese youths via Education, providing equal opportunities for all.
Founder’s Message
Dear stakeholders, students, parents and valued partners,
G-college was founded in 2015 initially under the name of G-college Singapore. For the first 5 years, our primary goal has been to empower Vietnamese students to pursue education in Singapore (only). We have now realized the power of Education has a lot more potential, and we at G-college are determined to multiply the impacts of Education to the next level.
2020 was a difficult year but we turned challenges into opportunities.
2020 was a year of major evolution for G-college largely driven by external factors. We observed the declining trends in Vietnamese student intake by Singapore’s top-tier universities as a result of sociopolitical changes. We also faced more intense competition from other organizations that directly copied our business model. Nonetheless, we turned these threats into opportunities. The G-college team worked earnestly on innovations to diversify our business. By the end of 2020, we successfully launched the 2nd business vertical: G-college Young Scholars with a distinct customer group and value propositions. We were also on the way to launch our 3rd vertical - G-college Global Career - in Q3’2021.
2020 was indisputably a year of uncertainties & challenges. Our core business G-college Singapore faced an unexpected obstacle when both National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) decided to change their admission requirements and format. We quickly adapted to the situation and came up additional programs (eg. admission interview workshops) to support our students and parents. Our effort paid off - we once again achieved outstanding results with 8/9 students admitted to NTU and 3/4 students awarded the ASEAN scholarships.
People were the core of our success.
The power that made all of this possible was nothing but the people. G-college was fortunate to have a dedicated Leadership team of 6 (including Founder) coming from various professional backgrounds: strategy, finance, technology, operations & human resources, based in various markets: Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Singapore and Vietnam. Together we lead a team of 40 members based in 10 different countries.
Our 2021 key priorities will be the Product, the People and the Professionalism.
Each business unit (G-college Singapore, G-college Young Scholars and G-college Global Career) places high priority in improving the quality of our training programs to best serve the needs of our students. Our students will benefit from the vast knowledge of not only our in-house trainers but also experienced mentors from all over the world. G-college Mentor Network, launched in Q2’2021, aims to bring together Vietnamese working professionals all over Asia and Europe to empower Vietnamese students via our mentorship programs.
In the meantime, we continue to build trust with all stakeholders by professionalizing both G-college’s external branding and internal processes. We provide stakeholders with more transparency on our activities and finances via the annual report as well as frequent updates on our official website. Internally, G-college is built upon a matrix business structure that is interconnected but not over complicated, continuously striving towards a professional working culture with clear mandates and great sense of accountability across the organization. In order to achieve this, our People team will constantly focus on talent acquisition & engagement, training & development.
2020 was a test of resilience and innovation, which we believe G-college has passed with flying colors. With the concerted efforts by 40 members of G-college, I trust 2021 will be yet another year of growth and positive impacts.
Berlin, July 1st, 2021
Dang Thuy Linh
Read the full report here.